Talks. Book me for your next event

I love telling stories about architecture. Both online and physically. It can be stories about how the biggest events in history can be read in even the most common catalog house from the 70s. It can be about how insights into human evolution combined with man's experience of nature, creates the foundation for the 7 architectural principles I incorporate into any project. Stories that stage architecture in a way where everyone can participate, in which everyone can mirror themselves and find inspiration for their home.

There's a Homo Sapiens in the room

99.9% of human evolution, that is, since Homo Erectus, the upright human who invented the use of fire, we have been living outside, in nature. It is only during the last 50 years that we have moved inside to such an extent that we now spend less than 10% of our time outside, and thus an even smaller part in nature.

In this lecture, I initially touch on some of the latest research in cognitive perception, ie the way our brains process what we experience with our senses, and present where the 7 architectural principles originate from (nature! I can well reveal) and how you may incorporate them into the dwelling. The knowledge of the few and simple principles is an elegant and simple approach to creating healthy and sustainable homes.

Your home is a piece of world history

Even the most common catalog house from 1978 is part of the world's architectural history. In this lecture, I go through (in long strides) where most homes come from and how to recognize them.

It is a story that begins with the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire and the beginning of the Renaissance in Florence. A tale that moves across the industrialization, clearing the table on the western architectural scene, from which all sorts of new styles flourish. We live in many of them. And a story that ends with the very latest trends in single-family homes. Are we heading for a 4th (or is it 5th?) Renaissance with the EU's New Bauhaus Charter?